A Millionaire Who Supports George W. Bush for President

Deductibles are necessary "because the top 1 percent pays, by far, the vast majority of the taxes."
       -- Cruel Duncan

Welcome to duncan's deductibles, the home of all things money protection. That's right I said money protection, protection from local authorities, planetary governments, space mafia, galactic cowboys and universal pirates. We have helped grafters everywhere protect their earnings, enjoy well earned retirement funds, stow away nest eggs, hide chests of treasure and bury treasured chests.

Fear not loss of proud capital, because Cruel Duncan and team are here to protect it fiercely, like a wild cat - and our cats don't go hungry. Get in touch with our team today, and let us know what the state is taking away from you - where there is authority, there is a hole, and by hole I mean secret tunnel; and we specialise in secret tunnels.

This is why we support GWB

Authorized and paid for by saved taxes